I am an Information Technology Executive
with 32 years of experience working for Fortune 500 companies in the United States.
I am a US Citizen and a devout follower of Jesus Christ.
Following my Bachelor of Science Studies for Computer Science in 1993, I have worked in Consulting, held jobs with the Government (Public Sector), Life Insurance, Transportation, Telecom, Stock Exchange / Finance, Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Hedge Fund / Asset Management verticals. This varied experience is what I believe has given me a tremendous overarching 50,000 foot view of Information Technology organizations and how they operate. My current role is that of a Solution Architect / Engineer for a Global Fortune 500 Vision care company. In 2019 I graduated from the International Business Management Institute with a Mini-MBA and in 2023 received a Certificate of Specialization in Leadership and Management from Harvard University (Harvard Business School Online)
Never having contributed a dime to a political campaign in the past, I supported John McCain (R) for President in the 2007-2008 Election cycle, contributing the maximum permitted by law to a campaign. In 2008 I fell into the world of politics quite by accident. While I have been gainfully employed in Information Technology for the past 32 years, I was unemployed for the first time during the recession of 2008 when nobody was hiring. I took this time to work under Brad Tusk (I) on the 2009 campaign of Michael Bloomberg (R) for Mayor of New York City where I learned the ins-and-outs of running a campaign, then went on to assist Chris Christie (R) on his campaign for Governor of New Jersey, then onto Virginia where I helped with Bob McDonell’s (R) campaign for Governor, onto Massachusetts to assist Scott Brown (R) for Senate, back up to Wisconsin to run a campaign office for Scott Walker for Governor (R) then to Illinois where I helped Bruce Rauner’s (R) campaign for Governor of Illinois, Joe Walsh (R), Bob Dold (R), Peter Roskam (R) and Randy Hultgren’s (R) campaigns for US Congress as well as Dan Rutherford’s (R) campaign for Treasurer of Illinois, Bill McLeod (I) for Mayor, Gary Pilafas (I) for Trustee, and so many more. Wherever I went, the campaign was victorious. I became known as a good luck charm for the Republican Party. I also supported Donald Trump (R) for President in 2016, 2020 and 2024. Between 2008 and 2024 I have contributed over $250,000 to GOP coffers and assisted more campaigns than I can count on two hands. I am currently assisting a half dozen campaigns in the 2024 election cycle, with all of them being in Wisconsin and Illinois.
In 2015 I was awarded the Life Member Order of Merit by the Chairman and Executive Council of the Republican National Committee and in 2018 inclusion in the Republican Presidential Honor Roll by President Donald J. Trump. I was also nominated by the Honors Committee of the NRA to receive the National Patriot’s Medal.
In 2010, after a year and a half of being unemployed, I was once again gainfully employed at the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association where I was employed in Information Technology for the next four years (2010-2014) and then as an IT Manager at Zebra Technologies for the four years (2014-2018) after that. Thanks be to God, I have been gainfully employed ever since.
I lived a largely non-religious, secular life until 2007 when I accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. I attended several years of Bible classes under Moody Bible Institute professors and in 2009 was Baptized. Since 2007 I have never missed a Sunday Church Service or skipped a tithe. I work as hard as I possibly can to bring people to saving faith in Jesus. I am currently affiliated with three Churches, but have attended dozens. I have volunteered thousands of hours at various Churches, taught Bible Studies, preached from the pulpit, and in 2018 helped plant a Church campus in Mount Juliet, Tennessee. In 2011 I started an online Bible Study ministry called The Paul's Gospel which has rapidly grown to over 200 members. I am also a member of the Speaker’s Bureau at the C-Suite for Christ Ministry.
I am passionate about National Security and in the past have served in leadership roles affiliated with 3-letter national security agencies, and am currently a volunteer Executive Director at the non-profit American Vigilance PAC. I am also an NRA Certified Firearms Instructor and Range Safety Officer.
My Myers-Briggs personality type is : EXECUTIVE (ESTJ-T) as I am foremost a big picture person -- a technology executive with real world business experience and smarts, with credentials from Harvard Business School to back it up.
I am Blessed to have over 50 other family members in Wisconsin and Illinois, whose pictures are being withheld in order to protect their privacy.
Hobbies & Interests
The time I do not spend at work, in prayer, at Church, or studying the Bible is dedicated to my hobbies.
- Finance and Investing
- Day Trading
- Traveling
- Restaurants
- Innovation & High-Tech Gadgets
- Golf, Tennis, Boating, Running, Hiking, Cycling
- Shooting, Ballroom Dancing, Pickleball
- Serial Entrepreneurship
- Reading Books
- Photography & Theater
- Classical Music (Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, etc.)
- Christian Rock (Casting Crowns, Chris Tomlin, etc.)
- Driving Fast Cars (Porsche, Lexus, Mercedes, etc.)
Favorite Teams
- Football: Packers, Bears, Titans
- Baseball: Brewers, Cubs
Organizations Supported
- American Bible Society
- St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital
- Focus on the Family
- Heritage Foundation
- National Rifle Association
- Dozens of others
- Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
- Republican National Committee
- American Red Cross
- Trump Presidential Coalition
- National Pro-Life Alliance
- Special Olympics
- Wounded Warrior Project
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- American Legion
- American Cancer Society
- US Deputy Sheriffs Assn.
Political Contributions
$270,000 to Churches & Christian Charities
$250,000 to Republican candidates
$10,000 to other charities
- NRA Range Safety Officer & Instructor
- Student Pilot (Working on VFR & IFR ratings)
- Love to dress up 300+ ties in my collection
- Enjoy all cuisines (foodie, no dietary restrictions)

Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bidd’st me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, and waiting not to rid my soul of one dark blot, to thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, though tossed about with many a conflict, many a doubt,
fighting’s and fears within, without, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, thou wilt receive, wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
because thy promise I believe, O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

I am a sinner saved by Grace. I am a Technology Executive who has worked in Information Technology in the United States for the past 32 years for many Fortune 500 companies. I lived a largely non-religious, secular life until 2007 when a Christian boss at work took a risk and asked about my relationship with God. May we all become bold enough to take these sorts of risks for the Kingdom of Christ. This man, who would later adopt me into his family, and who I call my elder brother, became one of my closest Christian brothers. Upon his suggestion I began attending a local Church where I lived, the Chain of Lakes Community Bible Church in Lake Villa / Antioch, Illinois. The day I attended, Pastor Kerry Bauman was teaching, and his words touched me to the heart. I kept going back week after week, began tithing, began attending Bible Studies at Pastor Kerry’s home, and then taking extra classes at Church which was home to past Moody President Dr. George Sweeting, Dr. Gerald Peterman, Dr. Tim Siegler, Dr. Michael Vanlaningham, Dr. John Nathan Clayton, Dr. Michael Weschler, and many other Moody Bible Institute professors. At the time this Church was affectionately known as Moody North, because they would routinely hold MBI classes there taught out of the actual MBI syllabus by MBI Professors. Later I would also study at the feet of Dr. Grant Osborne, Dr. Gary Burge and Dr. Gilbert Bilezikian. I developed a saving relationship with Jesus and in 2009 was Baptized. In 2012 I joined Willow Creek Community Church and was Baptized there as well.
Since 2007 I have never missed a Sunday Church Service or skipped a tithe, and work as hard as I possibly can to bring people to saving faith in Jesus. I am currently affiliated with three Churches, but have attended dozens. I have volunteered thousands of hours at various Churches, taught Bible Studies, preached from the pulpit, and helped plant Churches. However, I do not boast in anything, no wealth, no power, no knowledge, no wisdom, no righteousness and certainly not in any of my works. I only boast in Jesus’ unending love for me. At the end of our lives, when we die, we will all stand judgement before the Throne of God. We will have to give account of the lives we have lived here on this earth. On that day, we can do one of three things, either (a) apologize for not living an absolutely perfect, sinless life and ask for forgiveness (b) be an arrogant, haughty person and claim our own righteousness or (c) claim the blood of Jesus. The right answer is (c) if you have believed upon the name of Jesus and are saved, then you have nothing to worry about. When on that day I stand before God, I know that I will plead the Blood of Jesus. I have believed in the Son of God, and nothing else I say or do will make a difference except for saying that I believed in Christ Jesus. Which of these answers will you choose?